It’s important to have experts guiding you through the process of choosing the right solar solutions for your specific requirements. Booking a free consultation is a fantastic first step towards harnessing renewable energy for your needs. If you have any questions or need any assistance in the meantime contact us through the button below.
MCS Accredited Solar PV Installers. We are able to offer the full end-to-end solution with the peace of mind that your system will be installed to the highest standards, be this to feed back to the grid, for battery storage, or both!
MCS Accredited Battery Storage Installers. Offering you the latest means to harvest your own power, be this through solar or maximizing on Economy 7 tariffs.
At Sevenoaks Solar, we are impartial as to which manufacturer to use. By focusing on factors like personal usage patterns, environmental goals, and providing detailed advice on costs and potential savings, we are committed to helping customers make informed decisions. This personalised approach is essential in ensuring that customers receive the most suitable solutions for their specific requirements.
Fixed monthly payments, service options include:
Remote system adjustments to cater to changes in the season.
Telephone / Email Support.
Annual Cleaning.
Providing a pay-as-you-go option for support contracts offers flexibility to customers who prefer that payment structure.
Along with our annual cleaning and support contracts, as well as one-off cleans and annual visits for existing panel users. Proper maintenance is crucial for ensuring the longevity and efficiency of solar panels. By availing these services, customers can keep their panels in optimal condition and maximize their energy production.
Certified to install and maintain all leading brands of EV Chargers.
Our consultation will include maximizing the use of Solar PV, Battery Storage, Economy 7 with the charging of your EV Vehicle

“Our services are designed to elevate your ambition of Net Zero to the next level, ensuring Quality with every step you take.”
— Ross Henderson, Co-Founder Solex Renewable Energies Ltd